When Passions merge

The Wildlife Habitat Trust 2020/21 Stamp by Rodger McPhail.

Rodger McPhail was commissioned to paint the first ever Wildlife Habitat Trust stamp almost 30 years ago. Charlie Wearden of the BASC, provides an insight into the renowed artist's background and inspiration as well as the story behind the painting on the Trust's stamp for 2020/21. 


..."Rodger was commissioned to paint the first ever UK 'Duck Stamp' nearly 30 years ago and feels honoured to be asked again. Pink-footed geese over Morecambe Bay was chosen as the subject, and this perfectly coincides with the Morecambe Bay Wildfowlers Association's centenary. It is fitting that the Wildlife Habitat Trust 2020/21 stamp shouls depict the glorious ritual of Pink-footed geese flighting over Cockerham Marsh - a sight that so many wildfolwers will be familiar with. 

Rodger decided to paint the geese from an ariel viewpoint, looking down onto the marsh and showing a unique bird's-eye view of this famous area...."

July 28, 2020
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