David Shepherd (1931−2017)

We are sad to announce the death of David Shepherd. A gallery artist for many decades and a true champion of conservation.


David's passion for conservation infected his relationship with the gallery throughout our longstanding friendship. Just as he trumpeted his crusade relentlessly up and down the UK (as well as overseas) to a timetable of challenging complexity, so his concerns for man's disrespect for the natural world was preached to all and sundry who visited the gallery. He was almost insensitive to his audience while 'getting the message across'.


On a trip together to an Art Fair in Miami, I remember him calling a world-class golfer whom he had met some twenty years earlier and not since, to persuade him to visit the Fair – where he bought three paintings! It hardly  occurred to David that the justness of his cause would not be met by such approval.


His charm and good company ensured that this approach was not offensive but successful. He may have stopped but the campaign has yet to be won.


Oliver Swann



September 21, 2017
of 79